Penché on me

Yesterday was the first time ever a teacher asked me to demonstrate for a class! We were doing an adagio with a penché at the barre, and during the exercise, I kept hearing the voices of teachers from back at my home studio in my head:

Kaori: "Go up to go down! Go up to go down!"
Robert: "Keep your back up, move from the back, don't lose the connection between the arabesque leg and your back!"

It's funny how, when things are yelled at you enough, they pop up when they're supposed to. Anyways, after "listening" to Kaori and Robert in my head guiding me through the penchés in the adage, the teacher (Lewis Normand, at Dancebase) asked me to demonstrate for the class, for the connection between the arabesque leg and the back. I'm not a fan of being in front during class, or being watched, but it's also thrilling to finally be able to do something right enough to get recognised for it! A credit to the awesomeness of my home teachers.

^My friend Rachel demonstrating a much better penché than I could do.
